
Two day Author Talks and Workshop

I spent time with the Primary 1, 2, 3, and 4 pupils, plus the lovely nursery children. It was a true delight, given the children are also taught in the Gaelic language. It was an interesting insigh ........

Visit Scotland

Delighted to see Barra the Squirrel on the shelf of VisitScotland in Perth.  It is a lovely Centre where they not only have wonderful information about beautiful Scotland, but they also have some love ........

Barra the Squirrel Meets Primary One!

I was absolutely delighted to hear that Barra the Squirrel became a talking point in one Perth Primary School.  The P1 class, with their lovely teacher, read it together and discussed the main themes. ........

Book Launch!

Wednesday 31st August saw the launch of Barra the Squirrel, in Perth, Scotland!  I was delighted to welcome an audience of friends and valued contacts to this special occasion.  I read the book to the ........

Barra in Waterstones!

Delighted to see that Barra the Squirrel is in Waterstones, Perth!  Sitting in the children's Scottish Authors' section, it is certainly beside many illustrious publications. It is my pleasure to be a ........

First Review!

Barra the Squirrel's first review appeared on the Amazon website today...and is a 5 star one!  I am delighted.  Thank you to the lovely reviewer who bought it for her 3 grandchildren and read it to th ........

Heartland Radio: Iris Magazine August 2022 Edition

I was asked recently by Heartland Radio, Highland Perthshire's Community Radio Station, to write a little article for them. They produce a monthly digital magazine, full of interesting factual stories ........

Book Launch!

Looking forward to my Book Launch on the 31st of August 2022. Barra the Squirrel gets his 'official' welcome then to the world! Surrounded by the warmth and friendship of my contacts and friends, I th ........